On Wednesday, I documented my own “Day in the Life.” I took photos throughout the day to capture what ordinary looks like around here. And it was a pretty ordinary day, so ordinary, in fact, that I left big, boring chunks out (like going to the gym and the two hours when my husband picked up our daughter from school and took both kids to the store to buy wine). But still, the bones are here. And it was a pretty good day.
These were all taken with my DSLR, all lightly edited and converted to black and white in Lightroom (because black and white just felt right — can’t explain it). I took all of the photos, including the self portraits (I used the timer — kinda tricky, but doable).
Here’s what life looked like on November 4, 2014.
Today started at 5:45. I walked downstairs, put on the kettle for coffee, and started a special project for work that ended up taking way longer than I planned. My husband was in the other room working on school work. He was home all day (but didn’t make it into too many photos — his choice).
Lily came downstairs, had breakfast, and did her homework (yes, she’s only in kindergarten). We’ve learned that she handles the work better after breakfast than after school. Her school day is a long day for her.
Time to get up Josh and fast forward through the rest of the morning (getting dressed, school drop off, the Y for Body Pump).
Home for lunch and podcast listening.
And a little cuddle, smooch, and a song.
True confession: I lie down every day for about a half hour. Sometimes I nap, sometimes I watch TV. Today, I watched TV with my eyes closed.
I got up, took a quick shower, and worked on editing my family session from Sunday.
Adam took Josh to pick up Lily, then run to the store. I kept working.
Everyone was home, and Lily started quizzing me about whales and giving me “lessons”. Here she’s asking me for words that begin with each letter of the alphabet (and I’m drinking wine!).
A little tickle while Adam made dinner. Then we ate (and I didn’t get a photo).
Time for jammies and tooth brushing. Then a little TV and silliness before getting the kiddos off to bed. Afterward, Adam and I talked for a long time and watched an episode of The Walking Dead (don’t judge). We were in bed by 9:30 and both out like a light.
Some thoughts on this project: I love it! But it’s also extremely difficult to live the day and document it. I’d like to try it again (maybe regularly — who knows), but I’d probably do more planning about what I wanted to remember. Like all of us at the dinner table, or school drop off and pick up. Those are important parts of the day. I won’t be missing them next time.
I love feeling as if I’m right there in New York with you! This is great! You are such a smartie pants to see that Lily does better with homework in the morning than forcing it in the afternoon. I love that you aren’t afraid to be unconventional. Mostly, I love that you take a nap every day and listen to podcasts for lunch. I need to copy more of your habits.