I shot my first roll of film in August 2010, and I fell in love. Before that, I hadn’t shot a film camera since college before digital photography was the norm. I took a film photography class and learned that I was terrible at developing my own negatives, then put the camera away until 2010. By then I was totally smitten with photographing everything and wanted to dip my toe back into the world of 35mm film.
It was so much better than I remembered.
At first it was kind of awful. The camera I have, a tiny Pentax SLR, has a manual focus lens, which requires slowing down — way down — and it took a while to get the hang of it. But I was persistent, and I shot as much film as I could afford. In fact, I rarely picked up my DSLR, always favoring those slow film shots.
I acquired a Holga 120 and Polaroid Land Camera, and shot both with abandon, even though I had no idea what I was doing. All I knew was that I was having fun.
In 2012, I decided to do a 365 project exclusively in 35mm film. It was expensive and challenging and the ultimate trial of my patience, but again I persisted. Then I put my film camera down. Despite loving it so much, I needed a break and knew if I wanted to get serious about portrait photography, I’d need to reacquaint myself (and master) my big DSLR again. And so I did.
Then, in October, I decided to write myself a list of things I hoped to do before my next birthday, and I knew I wanted to include shooting film. I missed it. I missed the richness of it, the slowness, the frustration and the joy. And, I thought, it’s not hard to shoot a roll of film in a month. Right? Right.
Well, a month’s worth of film can be kind of random. Photos of my kiddos? Check. Photos of flowers? Check. Photos of the light hitting the garage in the morning? Check. So, here I am sharing the best of what’s left from my film from March (see the rest here). And I already have a new roll in the camera for April to capture all of this month’s spring-y goodness.
Thanks for looking!
**This is month four of my twelve months of film (part of my 33 things project). See previous months’ film here. Thanks for looking!
beth lehman says
these are fabulous, lindsay!