I read a lot about Whole30 over the summer. I had seen a few folks online do the challenge successfully, not just to give their bodies a chance to reset but also to explore their relationships with gluten, sugar, and dairy, among other things. At the time, I was interested enough to read about it, but not interested enough to try. I like sugar! I like wine! I like gluten! So it wasn't until the calendar turned over that I felt like maybe it was time to give it a shot. If you don't know what …
everyday life
December Photo Project | Part 4
One thing I know for sure about this project is that it gave me the itch to do another 365 project. It wasn't something I had planned for 2015, but it feels right, you know? I've done a 365 three times before -- in 2009, 2010, and 2012 (in film!) -- and I know it'll help push my photography somewhere new. Heck, it might even push my life somewhere new. That's sorta the risk of these big goals, that they might just change your life for the better. I love that. Here's the rest of the photos …
December Photo Project | Part 3
This post is about seven days late. I started it last Saturday, then it was one thing after another (the biggest of which was Lily was sick for three days before Christmas, which really threw a wrench in things). But the good news is I finished the December Photo Project! And have twenty-five photos of our December (and then some)! I feel pretty good about that and how they all hang together to tell a story. That was the whole point, right? I have quite a few left, so I'm breaking it down …
Making matching Christmas pajama pants for the kiddos. Such an easy project -- why haven't I done this before? -- and soon to be crossed off the list of 33 things. Listening to the last episode of Serial and having mixed feelings about it. Eating all of the Christmas cookies I made on Sunday. Well, maybe not all of them, but too many. Going to as many yoga classes as I can fit into my schedule. I started going earlier this month when an injury made going to Body Pump impossible. I am …
December Photo Project | Part 2
Week two of the December Photo Project was fun. I thought by now I'd be tired of trying to find a story in my everyday, but I haven't yet. In fact, I'm finding myself with more photos and more stories than I would have guessed. There's a lot of picture taking going on around here this December (and I kinda love it!). Here's what things looked like around here this week. December 6: Saturday movie morning (because we missed Friday movie night getting our Christmas tree) December 7: The …