When I came up with the idea to do my 33 things project, I capriciously included Write 33 lists thinking it would be no big deal. Lists are easy, right? What I've learned is that lists are easy, but they aren't always interesting or relevant. So I haven't written many. But I have come across a few things that have been pretty awesome, so I thought today I'd share a list of things I'm loving right now: Bella Grace -- This magazine is gorgeous! I picked it up because Beth, my amazing friend and …
Books to Read in 2015
At first, I didn't think I was going to make a book list for myself this year. It's been an annual tradition the last few years, but this year I want to release all the pressure of last year to read a certain number of books. And I think I have (January's total is going to be two -- that is so low!).* What I like about having a book list, though, isn't its ambition or magnitude; it's that it sets an intention, a guideline. Here's what I'd like to read, though I fully expect not to read half …
Photos I Plan to Take for 365: A List
The other day, I was looking at my 33 things list and realized I need to get crackin' on some of these things. Like writing 33 letters (I've written and photographed one) or making 33 lists (I've written none two so far). It's time to get busy. Let's start with a list!* I've been taking my photo a day and, though it's only late January, I haven't lost my zeal for this project yet. But I know I will eventually, so I made a list of photographs I'd like to take this year that I can refer to if I …
Things That Changed My Life in 2014
Last year began with the idea that I would start my portrait photography business. That was my main focus -- getting ready, getting focused, and launching. Apparently, I was totally on board with the Amy Poehler quote before I had ever even heard it. Like I've said before, sometimes you have to just start. In a lot of ways, 2014 was about my photography business. I wanted to have all my ducks in a row and have a game plan. But in a lot of more important ways, 2014 was about how my photography …
The 52 Books of 2014
I have gotten a lot of questions about reading 52 books last year, but the biggest one is: How do you find the time? People have asked me that over and over, and I still scratch my head and have to think. How do I find the time? I only expected to read about 30 books this year, mostly because I knew I was going to start some sort of photography business and my time would be limited. But even working an extra 10 hours a week this summer doing photo sessions and editing photographs, I still read a …