This month, in addition to posting at habit, I’m also participating in the December Photo Project. Take a photo every day for the first twenty-five days of December. It’s that simple! I post my photos over at Flickr and the DPP Facebook group, and now I want to share the first batch with you.
Originally, I looked at doing December Daily with Ali Edwards, but that involves making an album specifically for this project (in addition to purchasing her kit, which wasn’t in my budget). She’s making some amazing scrapbook spreads, which you can see here if you’re into that sort of thing.
My plans for these photos are to make a huge multi-page spread in my Project Life album that tells the story of our December. I’ve been thinking more about storytelling in my photography this month, trying to capture moments and stories rather than portraits of my kids or pictures of stuff around my house. I’m grateful for how Project Life is making me think differently about picture taking (that’s probably a post in itself). I can’t wait to see how our December looks in the album.
Here’s what December looks like so far.
December 1: Reading after nap time.
December 2: Playing after school.
December 3: Sitting quietly together (playing Lunchbox Monkey)
December 4: Watching the rocket launch (that didn’t actually happen until the next morning).
December 5: Getting our Christmas tree!
And as a bonus, December 5, part two. In case you’re interested, I took this with the self-timer and the camera balanced on a pair of gloves on top of our cut down tree. Yes, it was totally MacGyvered. I’m kind of proud of that. Add in a little crop, rotation, and a quick edit, and voila!
Happy December!
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