If you’re feeling like it’s too much, like you’re never enough, like you’re behind.
If there are too many voices, too many rules, too much clutter, not enough space.
If you’re hungry for something deeper, something more substantial and true.
If you’re still trying to figure out who you are or who you are now, if you’re trying to find your way.
Let me say this:
It’s okay to slow down.
It’s okay to step back.
You can say no.
You can say not yet.
If you need to retreat, start over, throw away the rule book, burn it to ashes, forge a new path, or lie face down on the ground, go ahead.
You don’t have to try so hard.
You don’t have to keep up.
You don’t have to listen to any voice except that tiny one inside you.
What we need more than anything—what I need—is to listen and wait, see what bubbles up from beneath, what sorts of things might rise to the surface.
What we find there might be worth sharing after all.
I love this affirmation. Perfect timing for me.