Maybe you feel like you lack focus. You have a hundred ideas or you have no ideas.
Maybe you keep starting again and again. You’re afraid of getting it wrong or you’ve been hurt or you don’t know any other way.
Maybe the road before you seems too long and winding. Or maybe when you look out at it, you can’t see anything at all.
Maybe you think you should be somewhere else, somewhere further along, where someone else is. They seem to be doing okay and you want to be doing okay too.
Or maybe you’re stuck, working through the same issues again and again, and all you can think is, ‘Shouldn’t I be past this already? Why do I keep wasting my time?’
Maybe you want to feel successful. Not outwardly successful (though that might be nice), but inwardly.
Maybe what you really want is to be successful at being yourself.
Slow down. Pay attention. Listen.
What matters is who you are.
Wherever you are is where you are supposed to be. Whatever the path or timeline, whatever the scope.
You are. You are. You are.
A tiny heart, bouncing and beating and keeping time.
A deep exhale, round as bubbles, a vessel of words, a spring of hope.
Feet on the earth, hands outstretched.
You don’t have to get it right. You don’t have to have everything figured out. You can mess up and make mistakes and step back and let go.
Who you are matters and sometimes we have to press pause and tend to ourselves. That time, that pause, is never, ever wasted.
yes, maybe. and definitely.