There’s nothing like a brisk, sunny day in October. Literally, nothing. The colors are so vibrant and the air so cold and refreshing, it’s hard not to get outside. On this particular day, I was sitting at my desk working and had the itch to grab my camera and finish this roll of film. Thankfully, I work from home and my husband was with our son that day. So, off I went to the same park where these were taken about 24 hours earlier.
To be fair, I was location scouting for a photo session I had Sunday, so technically I was working. But it’s hard to feel like work when you’re outside in the sunshine wandering around taking pictures. I guess that’s one of the better parts about my job.
But another great part of my job, my jobs really (with an “s”), is the fact that they require me to look closely and see what’s around me. That’s not always easy or something I can readily do, but it does make me appreciate what I see, to slow down and simply be rather than rushing from one thing to the next. Though, to be fair, that was exactly what I was doing on this particular day. Rushing everyone out the door so I could rush to my desk and from my desk to a photo session and from the photo session home to collapse in a heap on the couch.
But I took a few moments, really more like an hour, to get outside and breathe the fresh air deeply and look around. It was great. The more work I do and the better and more efficient I become at it, the more I find myself seeking the outdoors, knowing that a little exercise and fresh air in my lungs goes a long way in making me not only more productive, but happier and more content. For that, I will always be grateful for the ability to pick up a camera, look around for something that strikes me, hold it to my face, and click.
Thanks, again, for looking!
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