As part of my list of 33 things to do before I turn 34, I plan to read 33 books. It’s not an extreme challenge since the five books I read in October put my 2014 tally at 45 (somehow my reading this year has me on track to read at least 52 books — insane!).
But my reading goals for 2015 are to slow down and read some longer books, so I don’t expect to keep up my 2014 pace. At all. Once I realized I was on track to actually finish the equivalent of a book a week this year, the pressure to read went way up and I’ve been way too focused on blowing through books rather than enjoying them. I’m not sure I like that.
Anyway, I read five books in October:
How to Be a Woman by Caitlin Moran | This one was for book club and, I’ll be honest, no one liked it all that much. Especially me. But, to be fair to Moran, I don’t think any of us are part of her target audience (which I think are people who are already fans of hers). I would be hard pressed to recommend this to anyone. It’s pretty offensive, poorly edited, and not really adding anything to the cause of equality for women (though she’s trying).
Hands-Free Mama by Rachel Macy Stafford | I took almost six weeks to read this book cover to cover, I think because I’ve already spent a lot of time figuring out how to manage my technology habits and be more present and mindful in my daily life. But for a mama who feels like she’s drowning in to-do lists, social media, and the rat race, this is a good primer for how to get off the (figurative) treadmill and start enjoying your life.
Mr. Popper’s Penguins by Richard Atwater | I read this aloud to Lily. It was cute, though some of it was over her head. (Side note: We watched the movie after reading, and it was disappointing. The plot is totally different.)
We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves by Karen Joy Fowler | This one was recommended to me, but I can’t remember by whom. It was okay. The story follows a family who adopted a chimpanzee and raised it for a few years. Each family member deals with the impact of her presence in their family long after the chimp left home, so there’s a lot to think about from a sociological standpoint, if you’re into that sort of thing.
Lean In: Women, Work and the Will to Lead by Sheryl Sandberg | I was curious to see what Sandberg has to say about women in the workplace, so I went ahead and got this one from the library. It seems better geared for young women just starting their careers to help them figure out how they plan to proceed work-wise before husbands and babies enter the picture. I think Sandberg is doing a lot of good by bringing to light issues for women that, if nothing else, should be discussed. It is a reminder that there’s still a long way to go in the fight for women’s equality.
What have you been reading?
So I have not been paying very close attention to things, and I did not realize (or maybe I forgot?) you’d started blogging again! Shame on, well, somebody.
We read Mr. Popper’s Penguins to the girls earlier this year, too. It’s a weird little book, isn’t it? I can’t say I was expecting that ending, that’s for sure. And I didn’t even realize there was a movie, but I can’t say I’ll be in a hurry to look it up after reading this.
And now, the obligatory “I need to read more” bit. Because I really do. Maybe I should try for 52 next year. Actually, I know myself well enough to realize 52 is probably not doable, so perhaps a nice round multiple of 12. Say, 24? One every couple weeks sounds more like it.
I suppose I should actually answer your question, too, huh? I’m currently reading Anathem, by Neal Stephenson. It’s really long and really dense (loads & loads of invented language to wade through), but it’s quite good.
Anyway, glad to see you blogging again, friend!